안녕하세요, ‘최’라고 불리우는 포토그래퍼 최홍석 입니다, 지난 6년간 전 세계를 돌며 사진가로 활동 하였고, 현재는 서울 삼성동에서 스튜디오를 운영하며 활동 중 입니다.
여전히 배움과 성장, 성취를 쫓고 있습니다. 창의적인 프로젝트는 언제나 열정을 숨쉬게 하는 원동력 입니다. 의미 있는 만남과 기회를 기다리겠습니다.
English ver.
My name is HongSeok Choi, also known as Che. I had been taking pictures as a freelance photographer moving around the globe, for about 6 years, and now have been settled in Seoul, still with my camera and gears, as running a studio in Samseong-dong.
Seeking a great opportunity of joining and working with you and your team.
Thank you
* Skills -
Fluent English, spoken and written (Korean - Native language)
Fluency in using Adobe tools (such as Photoshop, Light Room, Premiere pronand etc..)
Excellent communication skills with customers, clients and surroundings.
Being used to busy and shifting work routines.
Working in a timely and punctual manner with professionalism